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  411.                   <h2>Our Solution.</h2>
  412.                   <span class="divider"></span>
  413.                   <span class="subtitle">The Smartfiles Network combines EU and national case law datasets to enable a unique view of the interconnectedness of European case law. </span>
  414.                   <p>Our intuitive tool pulls together information from different databases and so enables the user to see the connections and influences EU case law has on national case law. </p>
  415.                   <p>Simply drag-and-drop a file into our search window. We will analyse the document, find and link up all cited legal sources and permit the user to download all the original sources in one smart PDF-document. Additionally we create an interactive visualisation, which can be explored and downloaded.</p>
  416.                   <div class="btn-holder">
  417.                     <a href="https://smartfiles.lereto.at/search" class="btn">
  418.                       <span class="btn-caption">Start a Search</span>
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  455.                   <blockquote cite="">
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  457.                     <p>Is European case law made of isolated <span>bubbles</span> or does it <span>blend</span> into national judicature?</p>
  458.                     <span class="divider"></span>
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  466.                       <span class="btn-caption">Explore citation maps</span>
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  505.                     <!-- Section Title Start -->
  506.                     <div class="section-title">
  507.                       <h2>Citation Map.</h2>
  508.                       <span class="divider"></span>
  509.                       <span class="subtitle">The Smartfiles Network was developed in the belief that visualisation can simplify information and that it allows people to assimilate large chunks of it, in just one glance. </span>
  510.                       <p>Of course, it‘s never that easy. So here is a quick guide explaining how The Smartfiles Network works and how it should be read.</p>
  511.                       <br>
  512.                           <span class="divider"></span><br>
  513.                           <h3>How to read the map</h3>
  515.                           <p><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> The red-rimmed circle represents the original PDF
  516.                           <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> The turquoise circles are the the referenced case law
  517.                           <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> The bigger the circle, the more often a document has been cited
  518.                           <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Explore the relevance: within your network or EU wide
  519.                           <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Click on a circle to get more information (metadata)
  520.                           </p>
  522.                       <div class="btn-holder">
  523.                         <a href="#PDFconvolute" class="btn">
  524.                           <span class="btn-caption">Smart PDF</span>
  525.                           <span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span>
  526.                         </a>
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  546.       <!-- Citation Map Section End-->
  547.       <!-- PDF convolute Section Start-->
  548.         <div class="section fp-auto-height-responsive content-section" data-anchor="PDFconvolute">
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  553.                             <div class="content-block">
  554.                             <!-- Section Title Start -->
  555.                                 <div class="section-title">
  556.                                   <h2>Smart PDF.</h2>
  557.                                   <span class="divider"></span>
  558.                                   <span class="subtitle">The Portable Document Format is THE standard format for documents in the legal world.</span>
  559.                                   <p>We have taken the PDF file and made it smart. Our PDF convolute looks just like any other, but it contains all case law that was cited within. By clicking on a reference, the desired case law decision is shown. This function also allows the user to work offline. The downloaded PDF convolute is fully shareable, and can be forwarded to team members.</p>
  561.                                   <span class="divider"></span><br>
  562.                                       <h3>Convolute features</h3>
  563.                                       <p><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Download your linked smart PDF convolute
  564.                                       <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Click on a reference to open it
  565.                                       <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Work offline and share it with others
  566.                                       <br><span class="icon ion-ios-arrow-forward"></span> Use the bookmark list to navigate in the document
  567.                                       </p>
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  571.                                       <span class="btn-caption">Our team</span>
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  608.                       <h3>Veronika Haberler<br>spotter-of-trends</h3>
  609.                       <span class="divider"></span>
  610.                       <p>Veronika co-founded the award-winning legal tech start up LeReTo.
  611.                       She knows what will be the issue before it‘s even an issue.</p><br>
  612.                     <div class="btn-holder">
  613.                     <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronika-haberler/" class="btn btn-outline-light_sfn">
  614.                       <span class="btn-caption">linkedin profile</span>
  615.                     </a>
  616.                     </div>
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  626.                   <div class="col-12 col-md-6 feature-item">
  627.                     <div class="feature-item_description">
  628.                       <h3>Christian Artner<br>maker-of-stuff</h3>
  629.                       <span class="divider"></span>
  630.                       <p>Christian founded the Austrian tech firm cloudtech. He programms with passion for all technology, especially the non-boring kind.</p><br>
  631.                     <div class="btn-holder">
  632.                     <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-artner-6a10a913a/" class="btn btn-outline-light_sfn">
  633.                       <span class="btn-caption">linkedin profile</span>
  634.                     </a>
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  654.                     <div class="feature-item_description">
  655.                       <h3>Peter Melicharek<br>knower-of-stuff</h3>
  656.                       <span class="divider"></span>
  657.                       <p>Peter is a lawyer and co-founder of the award-winning legal tech start up LeReTo. He knows lots of stuff, and not just about the law and technology.</p><br>
  658.                     <div class="btn-holder">
  659.                     <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-melicharek-1a419212/" class="btn btn-outline-light_sfn">
  660.                       <span class="btn-caption">linkedin profile</span>
  661.                     </a>
  662.                     </div>
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  674.                       <h3>Jasmine Fassl<br>know-it-all</h3>
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  676.                       <p>Jasmine has been a leader and project manager in the cultural sector in Europe for years. She knows enough to know that she definitely doesn‘t know it all. </p><br>
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  706.                   <p>Based in Vienna, Austria, the multi-award-winning legal tech start-up LeReTo was founded. After a first product for the legal research market, process optimisation tools followed. Since then, the team has grown, but the passion for digitalisation, law, data and just making things easier for people has stayed the same.</p>
  707.                   <p>You can drop us a note and we’ll reply as soon as posible.</p>              
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